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16Tłumacz Języka Chińskiego









        个人平台My Platform   开心一刻Moment of Fun  波兰文学Polish Literature  

      有关信息 "Some Information"

••• 华为波兰(华沙)招聘"中文运营支持专员" Huawei Poland (Warsaw) is recruiting "Operations Support Specialist with Chinese" 2024.4.20

••• 中国国际航空公司招募 (华沙) Air China Recruitment (Warsaw) 2024.4.18

  【Job Info】MINO Equipment Recruitment Brochure 明珞装备招聘简章

  你知道这些中国地名及其翻译吗?Do you know these Chinese place names?

  宝岛台湾 Taiwan, treasure island

  神秘的西藏文化 Mysterious Tibetan Culture

  从汉语到十大语系 Od Chinese do 10 Leading Language Families

  与汉语有关的手势语Gestures Related to Chinese

  关于姓名翻译 About Personal Name Translation

  汉语简繁字的背后 Behind simplified and traditional characters

   联合国中文日 Chinese Language Day at the United Nations

 ••• JOYSON Electronics and Ningbo Joynext Technology Corp. in Wrocław recruitment 弗罗茨瓦夫中资企业招聘信息 2024.3.15


  微信公众平台封禁了我们的国际汉语教学 WeChat Public Platform Banned Our International Chinese Teaching & Learning



•••  2024 年长春理工大学“中国政府奖学金-丝绸之路” 2024 Changchun University of Science and Technology "Chinese Government Scholarship-Silk Road"

••• 西安外国语大学2024奖学金项目招生简章 Xi’an International Studies University (XISU) International Scholarship 2004

••• Tianjin University of Technology:  International Student Admission Brochure 2024 天津理工大学2024年国际学生招生简章

   2024厦门大学各专业国际学生招生(学士、硕士、博士) 2024 Xiamen University International Student Recruitment for Various Majors (Bachelor, Master, Doctoral)

 ••• 厦门大学2024年国际中文教师奖学金申请办法(中文) International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship 2024, Xiamen University (in Chinese)

 ••• 厦门大学2024年国际中文教师奖学金申请办法(英语) International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship 2024, Xiamen University (in English)

 ••• 2024年浙江师范大学奖学金申请指南 Application Guide for the 2024 Zhejiang Normal University Scholarship Program

••• 厦门大学2024年奖学金申请办法(中英文) Scholarship 2024, Xiamen University (in Chinese and English)

••• 大连外国语大学 Dalian Foreign Studies University

••• 上海复旦大学 Fudan University, Shanghai

•••  山东烟台鲁东大学 Ludong University in Yantai, Shandong


  很不幸微信平台封禁了我们的汉语教学 Unfortunately WeChat Platform Banned Our Chinese Teaching & Learning



••• 好消息:HSK模拟考试平台 Good News: HSK Mock Test Platform

••• 全球HSK汉语考试考点等信息查询 Inquiry for all the information about HSK Centers in the world

••• HSK汉语考试考点查询 Inquiry for all the HSK Centers

••• HSK Center of Confucius Institute in Krakow, Poland 波兰克拉科夫孔子学院HSK考点

••• HSK和YCT模拟考试平台  HSK and YCT Mock Test Platform


  很不幸微信平台封禁了我们的汉语教学 Unfortunately WeChat Platform Banned Our Chinese Teaching & Learning


   温馨.提 "Kind.Reminder"  

最新推荐 The latest recommendation

       Please visit our Chinese teaching & learning platform on WeChat public account "杨老师汉学JYangSinology"

  杨老师关于汉语学习的建议 JYang's advices on your Chinese learning

  龙的传人/后代/继承人 Descendant/Offspring/Heir of Dragon

      The speech experimental analysis software MSL “Mini-Speech-Lab” developed by Nankai University can be downloaded for free. For details, see "Experimental Linguistics".

      桌上语音工作室 Mini-Speech-Lab

  我们一起做台湾健康操哦! Let's Do Taiwan Fitness Exercises Together!

  24式太极拳24-style Taijiquan


  很不幸微信平台封禁了我们的汉语教学 Unfortunately WeChat Platform Banned Our Chinese Teaching & Learning


       同学们、朋友们  Dear students and friends,  


      Hi, Cześć! I am JYang. This website, created all by myself, is mainly targeted at my Chinese courses at Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, hoping that this platform will be a good friend for Chinese learning.

         Go & Have Fun           

  很不幸微信平台封禁了我们的汉语教学 Unfortunately WeChat Platform Banned Our Chinese Teaching & Learning






                                            Questions about the WeChat public account "杨老师汉学JYangSinology"


        Recently, many Chinese learners have complained that they cannot open the WeChat public account "杨老师汉学JYangSinology". Here is the brief reply:




        "杨老师汉学JYangSinology" and this website are sister Chinese teaching platforms. "杨老师汉学JYangSinology" was established on WeChat public platform in mainland of China, and this website's server is in Taiwan, with joint aim of Chinese teaching and learning and culture exchange.

        Unfortunately and ironically, thanks to the teaching and learning of Chinese language and culture, "杨老师汉学JYangSinology" was permanently banned by Chinese WeChat public platform, and was permanently banned just because of teaching Chinese and introducing Chinese culture. Particularly, the colorful Tibetan culture was introduced.

        Very sorry that it was surprise attack, there was no backup of "杨老师汉学JYangSinology". Thus, a large amount of language and cultural knowledge and teaching materials in "WeChat Chinese Teaching Platform" are no longer available, and our international Chinese teaching and cultural exchanges suffered huge losses. Please understand that.




Friends asked why "WeChat Chinese Teaching Platform"  did not complain to WeChat public platform? Now the reply is as follows:


WeChat public platform has very strict review and examination, so they have standards for banning, and they should give warning before banning, and they should give a chance to appeal.
However, it is unknown to all that "WeChat Chinese Teaching Platform" was banned just because of the teaching and learning of Chinese language and culture, so all of a sudden it was permanently banned, without any warning and no appeal was allowed.