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Teahching Catoons 教学卡通



一. 课堂教学卡通片 Catoons for Class Teaching

    1. 成语卡通故事 Catoon Stories from Idioms

    2. 神话及传说卡通故事

    3. 古诗词卡通 Catoons from Classic Poems

    4. 卡通短片 Short Catoons

二. 更多卡通片供进一步学习和业余欣赏 More Catoons for Further Study and for Spare Time

    1. 经典名著卡通故事 Catoon Stories from Masterpieces

    2.. 卡通电影 Catoon Movies

    3. 受欢迎儿童卡通片 Popular Catoons for Children

    4. 台湾卡通片 Taiwan Catoons




Let's Chat First

    Many Polish students told me that the four tones is most difficult for Chinese learning. Actually it is not the case. The four tones is difficult for beginners, just as a matter of language habits. But, for students of our Sinology, what is most difficult is nothing but Chinese idioms. Idioms are to Polish students just as the huge vocabulary of English and the extremely complicated grammatical system of Polish are to Chinese learners. Some of the common Chinese idiom cartoons, hereby,  are collected for you all. It is hoped that you will enjoy them.


一. 课堂教学卡通片 Catoons for Class Teaching

    1. 成语卡通故事 Catoon Stories from Idioms

         刻舟求剑 Carve Boat for Lost Sword

        刻舟求剑 Carve Boat for Lost Sword

        叶公好龙Ye Gong Likes Dragons

        自相矛盾 Self-Contradictory

        画蛇添足 Adding Legs to a Snake

        画蛇添足 Adding Legs to a Snake

        守株待兔 Waiting for Hares by a Tree

        杯弓蛇影 Snake-like Reflection of a Bow in the Cup

        拔苗助长 Pull up the Seedlings1 to Help Them Grow

        邯郸学步 Handan Toddler (Learning to walk in Handanr)

        东施效颦 Aping a Beauty

        对牛弹琴 Play Lute for a Bull (talking to a brick wall)

        一箭双雕 Kill Two Birds with One Arrow ( One Stone Two Birds)

        骑驴找驴 Looking for a Donkey on Its Very Back


    2. 神话及传说卡通故事

        Heroine Mulan 花木兰 YouTube


        "Butterfly Lovers Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai" 《梁山伯与祝英台》 YouTube


        嫦娥奔月 Chang E Flying to the Moon YouKu


        Cowherd and Weaving Girl 牛郎织女 YouTube



        曹冲称象 Cao Chong Weighed and Elephant CCTV



    3. 古诗词卡通 Catoons from Classic Poems

        Spring Morning from Poems of Tang Dynasty 唐诗三百首:春晓(孟浩然) - YouTube

        "Feeling on a Quiet Night" from Peoms of Tang Dynasty 唐诗三百首“静夜思” 李白YouTube

        "Sympathy for Peasants" from Poems of Tang Dynasty 唐诗三百首《悯农》李绅诗 - YouTube

        48 Classic Poems 古诗 唐诗48首 - YouTube

        48 Classic Poems 古诗 唐诗48首 - YouTube

        Reading Aloud "Spring Morning" 普通話唐詩朗誦 春曉 孟浩然 - YouTube


    4. 卡通短片 Short Catoons


        3)    游子吟 Poem by a Traveller



         6) 一生至爱 Love for Life



二. 更多卡通片供进一步学习和业余欣赏 More Catoons for Further Study and for Spare Time

    1. 经典名著卡通故事 Catoon Stories from Masterpieces

        "A Pair of Peacocks Southeast Fly" in English and Chinese 《孔雀东南飞》 YouTube


        Journey to the West《西游记》



            英文版《西游记》25集合辑 English Version "Journey to the West" 25 Collections


        "Romance of Western Chamber" 《西厢记》 YouTube

            西厢记 The Romance of the West Chamber   YouKu


    牡丹亭 Peony Pavillion Iqiyi


     镜花缘1-2 Flowers in the Mirror I-II

     名著卡通《镜花缘3-4 Cartoon Masterpiece "Flowers in the Mirror" III-IV



            Catoon "Confucian Analects" 《論語》動畫教學 YouTube


            Catoon "The Doctrine of the Mean" 《中庸》 YouTube



    2.. 卡通电影 Catoon Movies

        中文动画电影:《大闹天宫》 Chinese animated film: Havoc in Heaven (1961)


    神笔马良 The Magical Brush


    哪吒闹海 Nezha Rocked the Sea (Prince Nezha's Triumph Against Dragon King)


    宝莲灯 Lotus Lantern


    黑猫警长 Sheriff Black Cat


    九色鹿 Nine-color Deer CCTV

    九色鹿 Nine-color Deer YouTube

        关于九色鹿 About Nine-color Deer MP4


         葫芦兄弟 Calabash Brothers


    铁扇公主 The Princess of Iron Fan


 济公斗蟋蟀 Ji Gong and Grasshopper


    崂山道士 A Taoist in Mt.Laoshan 1905


    猪八戒吃西瓜 Pigsy Eats Watermelon


    小蝌蚪找妈妈 Little Tadpoles Are Looking for Their Mother YouTube


    天书奇谭 Magic Story of Heavenly Book


    阿凡提的故事 Avanti's Story CCTV


    三个和尚 Three Monks


    三毛流浪记 Story of Sanmao YouTube



3. 受欢迎儿童卡通片 Popular Catoons for Children

     大头儿子小头爸爸2 Big-head Son and Small-head Daddy2


    大头儿子小头爸爸 Big-head Son and Small-head Daddy


    小贝流浪记 Story of Little Bei



    鹬蚌相争 Fight Between a Crane and a Mother-of-pearl



4. 台湾卡通片 Taiwan Catoons

    故事奶奶 Grany of Stories CCTV


    来自奇星的小伙伴 Little Partner from Qixing Star CCTV


    狼来了 Wolves Are Coming YouTube



    金色的海螺 Golden Conch Tensent


    家族歌 Song of Family Members YouTube

    家庭称呼 Family Appellation YouTube

    九九乘法歌 Multiplication Table Song YouTube

    小猪佩奇 Peppa Pig

        悯农 YouTube



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