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Chinese Songs & Music 中国音乐歌曲




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I. 课堂学唱歌曲 Songs for Class

II. 传统民间歌曲 Traditional Folk Songs

III. 通俗歌曲 Pop Songs

IV. 电影歌曲 Movie Songs

V. 地方民歌 Local Folk Songs

VI. 港台歌曲 Hong Kong and Taiwan Songs

VII. 邓丽君演唱的歌曲 Songs by Deng Lijun (Theresa Teng)

VIII. 戏剧歌曲(戏歌) Songs of Opera Syle

XI. 儿童歌曲 Songs for Children

X. 台湾校园歌曲 Campus Songs in Waiwan

XI. 其他歌手的成名歌曲 Songs Which Make Some Singers Famous

XII. 更多知名歌手的歌 Songs by More Well-known Singers

XIII. 《红楼梦》电视连续剧歌曲  Songs of TV Series "Red Mansion"

XIV. 中国(轻)音乐Chinese (Light) Music

XV. 心灵的音乐 Music of Soul

XVI. 广东音乐 Guangdong (Cantonese) Folk Music

XVII. 中国音乐家演奏的波兰歌曲 Polish Music Played by Chinese Musicians


    1. 用于汉语教学歌曲 Songs for Chinese Teaching and Learning

        1. 课堂学唱歌曲 Songs Learned in Classes

        甜蜜蜜 -鄧麗君 Sweet as Miod by Deng Lijun (Theresa Teng )  MP4

              甜蜜蜜 -邓丽君(简体字及拼音 Sweet as Miod by Deng Lijun (Theresa Teng) (Simplified Characters and Pinyin)  MP4

              甜蜜蜜 -鄧麗君(繁体及拼音和英语) Sweet as Miod by Deng Lijun (Theresa Teng) (Traditional Characters with Pinyin and English)   MP4

              甜蜜蜜-鄧麗君 Sweet as Miod by Deng Lijun (Theresa Teng)  MP3

               (歌词)甜蜜蜜(Lyric) Sweet as Miod

        月亮代表我的心MV The Moon Represents My Heart MV  MP4

                月亮代表我的心(歌词及英语) The Moon Represents My Heart (with lyrics and English)   MP4

                 月亮代表我的心歌词及拼音 The Moon Represents My Heart Lyrics and Pinyin MP4

                 月亮代表我的心 The Moon Represents My Heart  MP4

                (歌词)月亮代表我的心-邓丽君 (Lyric) The Moon Represents My Heart by Deng Lijun

          好一朵美丽的茉莉花 What a Beautiful Jasmin Flower(with Lyrics)  MP4

                (歌词)好一朵美丽的茉莉花 (Lyric) What a Beautiful Jasmin Flower

        同一首歌 The Same Song MP3

                 同一首歌 The Same Song  MP4

                 同一首歌 - 意大利博洛尼亚安东尼奥小合唱团 The Same Song by Piccolo Coro dell' Antoniana from Bologna, Italy MP4

                 同一首歌 - 意大利博洛尼亚安东尼奥“玛丽.文特尔”合唱团 The Same Song by Piccolo Coro "Mariele Ventre" dell' Antoniana from Bologna, Italy MP4

                 同一首歌 - 意大利博洛尼亚安东尼奥小合唱团在中央电视台 The Same Song by Piccolo Coro dell' Antoniana from Bologna, Italy at CCTV MP4

                 台北“成功兒童合唱團”2003年度音樂會 Taipei "Success Children's Choir" at 2003 Concert MP4

                (歌词) 同一首歌 (附英文翻译) (Lyric) The Same Song (with English Translations)

        让我们荡起双桨 Let's Row the Boat (Let's Scull) MP4

               让我们荡起双桨 Let's Row the Boat (Let's Scull) MP4

               奥地利古波特小麻雀童声合唱团-让我们荡起双桨 Austrian Gubot Little Sparrow Children's Choir-Let's Row the Boat MP4

               让我们荡起双桨 Lets Row the Boat  (Let's Scull) MP3

                (歌词)让我们荡起双桨 Lyric: Let's Row the Boat  (Let's Scull) 

        好一朵茉莉花 What a Jasmin Flower MP4

        好一朵茉莉花 What a Jasmin Flower Video (flv)

              (歌词) 好一朵茉莉花 (Lyric) What a Jasmin Flower

        索朗扎西 - 姑娘我爱你 Sonam Tashi - Girl I Love You  MP4

            (歌词) 姑娘我爱你 (Lyric) I Love You Girl

        溜溜的她 Yo Yo Her MP4

            (歌词) 溜溜的她 (Lyric) Yo Yo Her

        相逢是首歌-余静 It is a Song to Meet by Yu Jing  MP4

           相逢是首歌 It is a Song to Meet MP4

           相逢是首歌-俞静 Meeting Is a Song by Yu Jing MP3

            (歌词)相逢是首歌 (Lyric) It is a Song to Meet

         恭喜发财 Gongxi Facai  (刘德华 Andy Lau)

             恭喜发财 Gongxi Facai (卓依婷 Zhuo Yiting)

           (歌词)恭喜发财 (Lyric) Gongxi Facai   PDF

           你潇洒我漂亮 -韩宝仪 You're Cool and I'm Beautiful 2004 -Han Baoyi  MP4

                  你潇洒我漂亮 -林必媜 You're Cool and I'm Beautiful -GEAN LIM  MP4

                  你潇洒我漂亮 You're Cool and I'm Beautiful  MP4

                  你潇洒我漂亮 -成凤 You're Cool and I'm Beautiful -Cheng Feng  MP4

                  你潇洒我漂亮 -卓依婷 You're Cool and I'm Beautiful -Timi Zhuo  MP4

                   你潇洒我漂亮 -李玲玉You're Cool and I'm Beautiful -Li Lingyu MP4

                       (歌词)你潇洒我漂亮 (Lyric) You're Cool and I'm Beautiful

                       (歌词)你潇洒我漂亮 (Lyric) You're Cool and I'm Beautiful  PDF


         2. 向汉语学习者推荐自学的歌曲 Songs Recommended for Self-learning by Chinese Learners

        送别 长亭外 Farewel l- On the Ancient Road MP3 (传统民间歌曲 Traditional Folk Songs)

            送别 长亭外 Farewel l- On the Ancient Road MP4

              (歌词) 送别 长亭外-附拼音及英语 (Lyric) Farewel l On the Ancient Road-with Pinyin and English

        九百九十九朵玫瑰-邰正宵 Nine Hundred and Ninety Nine Roses by Tai Zhengxiao MP4 (通俗歌曲 Pop Songs)

          九百九十九朵玫瑰 Nine Hundred and Ninety Nine Roses MP3

            (歌词) 九百九十九朵玫瑰 (Lyric) Nine Hundred and Ninety Nine Roses

        弯弯的月亮-毛宁 Crescent Moon by Mao Ning MP3 (通俗歌曲 Pop Songs)

             (歌词)弯弯的月亮 (Lyric) Crescent Moon

        今夜无眠-周冰倩 No Sleep Tonight by Zhou Bingqian MP3 (通俗歌曲 Pop Songs)

            (歌词) 今夜无眠-周冰倩 (Lyric) No Sleep Tonight by Zhou Bingqian

        牧羊曲 (电影《少林寺》插曲)-郑绪岚 Song of Shepherd (Episode of the Film "Shaolinsi Temple") by Zheng Xulan MP3 (电影歌曲 Movie Songs)

          牧羊曲 (电影《少林寺》插曲)-郑绪岚 Song of Shepherd (Episode of the Film "Shaolinsi Temple") by Zheng Xulan MP4

           牧羊曲 (电影《少林寺》插曲) Song of Shepherd (Episode of the Film "Shaolinsi Temple")   MP4

            (歌词) 牧羊曲 (Lyric) Song of Shepherd

        女儿情-冯珊珊 A Young Lady's Love by Feng Shanshan MP3 (电影歌曲 Movie Songs)

            歌词) 女儿情 (Lyric) A Young Lady's Love (电影歌曲 Movie Songs)

        半个月亮爬上来-彭丽媛 Half the Moon Is Climbing Up by Peng Liyuan MP3 (地方民歌 Local Folk Songs)

          半个月亮爬上来 Half the Moon Is Climbing Up MP4

          半个月亮爬上来 Half the Moon Is Climbing Up MP4

          半个月亮爬上来 Half the Moon Is Climbing Up MP4

          半个月亮爬上来 Half the Moon Is Climbing Up MP4

          半个月亮爬上来-葡萄牙茉莉花中文合唱团 Half the Moon Is Climbing Up by Portuguese Jasmine Chinese Choir MP4

               (歌词)半个月亮爬上来 (Lyric) Half the Moon Is Climbing Up

          瀟灑走一回- 蔡倖娟 Make a Journey in Nuttiness by Cai Xingjuan MP3 (香港歌曲 Hong Kong Song)

                瀟灑走一回-葉倩文 Make a Journey in Nuttiness by Ye Qianwen Video (TV)

        你怎么說 What Can You Say MP4 邓丽君演唱的歌曲 Song by Deng Lijun (Teresa Teng)

        (和费玉清)你怎么说 (With Fei Yuqing) What Can You Say MP4

            (歌詞) 你怎么说 (Lyric) What Can You Say

        周冰倩-真的好想你 Miss You So Much Indeed by Zhou Bingqian MP4

        苏芮-酒干倘卖无 Drinks If not Sold by Su RuiMP4

        杨钰莹-我不想说 I Don't Want to Say by Yang Yuying MP4

        悄悄的告诉你 Tell You Quietly MP4

        心雨 Rain of Heart MP4

             心雨歌词 online

        綠島小夜曲-蔡琴 Green Island Serenade by Cai Qin MP3

            (歌詞) 绿岛小夜曲-蔡琴 (Lyric) Green Island Serenade by Cai Qin


II. 传统民间歌曲 Traditional Folk Songs

        紫竹调 Zi Zhu Diao MP3

            (歌词)紫竹调 (Lyric) Zi Zhu Diao

        在水一方 On the Side of Water MP3

          在水一方 On the Side of Water MP4

            (歌詞) 在水一方 (Lyric) On the Side of Water

        彩云追月 Colorful Clouds After the Moon MP3

          彩云追月 Colorful Clouds After the Moon MP3

            (歌词) 彩云追月 (Lyric) Colorful Clouds After the Moon

        月圆花好 Full Moon and Beautiful Flowers MP4

                (歌词)月圆花好 (Lyric) Full Moon and Beautiful Flowers

        Pipa Xing (Song of a Pipa Player) 琵琶行 MP4

                (歌词)琵琶行 (Lyric) "Song of a Pipa Player"

        月满西楼-童丽 Full Moon on West Building by Tong Li MP3

            (歌词) 月满西楼-童丽 (Lyric) Full Moon on West Building by Tong Li

        烟花三月-童丽 Catkins in March by Tong Li MP3

            (歌词) 烟花三月-童丽 (Lyric) Catkins in March by Tong Li


III. 通俗歌曲 Pop Songs

        周杰伦”说好不哭“ Zhou Jielun "Won't Cry" MP4

             (歌词) 周杰伦”说好不哭“ (Lyric) Zhou Jielun "Don't Cry"

        涛声依旧-毛宁 Waves Unchanged by Mao Ning Video online

        涛声依旧-毛宁 Waves Unchanged by Mao Ning MP3

            (歌词) 涛声依旧-毛宁 (Lyric) Waves Unchanged by Mao Ning

        长大后我就成了你-宋祖英 I Become You When Growing Up by Song Zuying MP3

            (歌词) 长大后我就成了你 (Lyric) I Become You When Growing Up

        浪人琵琶 The Lute of Ronin MP3

            (歌词) 浪人琵琶 (Lyric) The Lute of Ronin

        掌声响起 - 凤飞飞 Applause by Feng Feifei MP3

          掌声响起 - 黑鸭子 Applause by Dark Duck MP3

              (歌词)掌声响起 (Lyric) Applause

        难忘今宵-李谷一 Unforgetable Tonight by Li Guyi MP3

          难忘今宵-童丽 Unforgetable Tonight by Tong Li MP3

            (歌词) 难忘今宵-李谷一 童丽 (Lyric) Unforgetable Tonight by Li Guyi Tong Li

        难忘今宵-李谷一 Unforgetable Tonight by Li Guyi MP3

            (歌词) 难忘今宵 (Lyric) Unforgetable Tonight

        白狐 - 陈瑞 White Fox by Chen Rui MP4

        白狐 - 刘紫玲和童丽 White Fox by Liu Ziling and Tong Li MP3

            (歌词) 白狐 (Lyric) White Fox

        春光美 - 张德兰(香港) Beautiful Spring by Zhang Delan (HK)  MP4

          春光美 - 童丽 Beautiful Spring by Tong Li MP3

            春光美 Beautiful Spring MP4

                (歌词) 春光美 (Lyric) Beautifullness in Spring

        泉水叮咚 Ding Dong Spring Water MP3

            (歌词) 泉水叮咚 (Lyric) Ding Dong Spring Water

        跟着感觉走-毛阿敏 Just Go with It by Mao A'min MP3

            (歌词) 跟着感觉走 (Lyric) Just Go with It

       乡音-李谷一 Accent of the Hometown by Li Guyi MP3

            (歌词) 乡音 Accent of the Hometown

        贝加尔湖畔-李健(朗朗、吴琼) Baikal Lakeside by Li Jian (Lang Lang, Wu Qiong)  MP4     

          贝加尔湖畔-李健 kal Lakeside by Li Jian  MP4

             (歌词)贝加尔湖畔 (Lyric) Baikal Lakeside

        梦江南-朱晓琳 Dream of South China by Zhu Xiaolin MP3

            (歌词) 梦江南 (Lyric) Dream of South China

         月亮之上-凤凰传奇 Over the Moon by Phoenix Legend Band Video

            (歌词) 月亮之上 (Lyric) Over the Moon

        在希望的田野上-彭丽媛 On the Field of Hope by Peng Liyuan MP4

            (歌词) 在希望的田野上 (Lyric) On the Field of Hope

        谁不说咱家乡好-彭丽媛 Everyone Will Praise My Hometown by Peng Liyuan MP3

            (歌词) 谁不说俺家乡好 (Lyric) Everyone Will Praise My Hometown

        我的祖国-彭丽媛 My Motherland by Peng Liyuan MP3

            (歌词) 我的祖国 (Lyric) My Motherland

        在那桃花盛开的地方-彭丽媛 In the Peaches Blooming Place by Peng Liyuan MP3

            (歌词) 在那桃花盛开的地方 (Lyric) In the Peaches Blooming Place

        年轻的心-王洁实、谢莉斯 Young Hearts by Wang Jieshi & Xie Lisi MP3

            (歌词) 年轻的心 (Lyric) Young Hearts

        小苹果 Little Apple  MP4

           (歌词)小苹果 (Liryc) Little Apple


IV. 电影歌曲 Movie Songs

        九儿-韩红 (电视红高粱主题曲)Jiur by Han Hong (Theme Song of the TV Series "Red Sorghum" MP3

          九儿-阿鲲 (电视红高粱主题曲)Jiur by A Kun (Theme Song of the TV Series "Rad Sorghum" MP3

            (歌词) 九儿 (Lyric) Jiur

        渴望 Desire MP4

          (歌词)渴望 (Lyric) Desire

        追梦人雪山飞狐 Dream Catcher MP4

          追梦人雪山飞狐 Dream Catcher MP3

              (歌词)追梦人雪山飞狐 (Lyric) Dream Catcher

        传奇-李健 Fairy Tale by Li Jian MP3

             传奇-李健和王菲 Fairy Tale by Li Jian & Wang Fei MP3

            传奇-王菲 Fairy Tale by Wang Fei MP4

             传奇(英语)-丹麦迈克尔学摇滚乐队 Fairy Tale (English) by Denmark Michael Learns To Rock MP4

            (歌词)传奇 (Lyric) Fairy Tale

        千年等一回-高勝美(“新白娘子传奇“插曲) One Thousand Years for One Chance by Gao Shengmei ( Episode of "the New legend of Maden White Snake") MP4

            千年等一回DJ-高勝美 One Thousand Years for One Chance DJ by Gao Shengmei MP3

              (歌詞) 千年等一回 (Lyric) One Thousand Years for One Chance

        花儿为什么这样红 Why Flowers Are So Red MP3

            (歌词)花儿为什么这样红 (Lyric) Why Flowers Are So Red?

            (歌詞) 渡情 (Lyric) Ferry the Love

          爱江山更爱美人-降央卓玛 Passion on Beauty More than Power by Jamyang Dolma Video (TV)

             (歌詞)爱江山更爱美人 (Lyric) Passion on Beauty More than Power

        暗香-沙宝亮 Gloomy Fragrance by Sha Baoliang MP4

         暗香-姚贝娜 Gloomy Fragrance by Yao Beina MP4

          暗香 Gloomy Fragrance MP3

            (歌词)暗香 (Lyric) Gloomy Fragrance

        木兰情 Mulan's Love  MP4

          (歌词)木兰情 (Lyric) Mulan's Love

        上海滩(香港)-叶丽仪 Shanghai World (Hong Kong) by Ye Liyi MP4

        星语心愿(香港)-张柏芝 Star Wish by Cecilia Cheung MP4


V. 地方民歌 Local Folk Songs

        在那遥远的地方 From Afar (In That Romote Place) MP3

            (歌词) 在那遥远的地方 (Lyriic) From Afar (In That Remote Place)

          在那遙遠的地方 -奚秀蘭 From Afar (In That Distant Place) by Xi Xiulan MP3

            (歌詞) 在那遙遠的地方 (Lyric) From Afar (In That Distant Place)

        沂蒙山小调-张也(山东)Canzonet of Yimeng Mountains by Zhang Ye (S hangdong) MP4

        信天游-龚玥(陕北) Xin Tian You by Gong Yue (Shan'xi Local Melody) MP4

        青藏高原 Qinghai-Tibet Plateau MP4

           (歌词)青藏高原 (Lyric) Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

        山路十八弯:李琼演唱 - 西南土家族 Bended Mountain Path by Li Qiong - Tujia Minority in Southwest China MP4

            山路十八弯:高保利演唱 - 西南土家族 Bended Mountain Path by Gao Baoli - Tujia Minority in Southwest China CCTV

        交朋友 - 西部民歌 Making Friends - West China MP4

        圪梁梁-云飞和王二妮(陕北民歌) Oh the Ridges by Yun Fei and Wang Erni (North of Shan'xi)  MP4

        九哥放羊-张也(陕西) Youngest Brother Herds Sheep by Zhang Ye (Shan'xi) MP4

        康定情歌-李娜 Love Song from Kangding by Li Na MP3

            (歌词) 康定情歌 (Lyric) The Love Song of Kangding

        纳西情歌-龚玥 Love Songs of Naxi Minority by Gong Yue MP4

        走西口-龚玥 Leave for the West by Gong Yue MP4


VI. 港台歌曲 Hong Kong and Taiwan Songs

        阿里山的姑娘-奚秀蘭 Girls of Ali Mountain (Sofia Kallgren) by Xi Xiulan MP3

            (歌詞) 阿里山的姑娘 Girls of Ali Mountain

        再回首:姜育恒演唱 Looking Back Again by Jiang Yuheng  MP4

          再回首 Looking Back Again MP3

             (歌词)再回首(附英文翻译) (Lyric) Looking Back Again (with English Translation)

        故乡的云-费翔 Clouds of the Hometown by Fei Xiang MP4

           (歌词)故乡的云 (Lyric) Clouds of the Hometown

        垄上行 Walking on the Ridges MP4

          垄上行 Walking on the Ridges MP3

             (歌词)垄上行 (Lyric) Walking on the Ridges

        万水千山总是情-汪明荃 Love and Passion All the Way by Wang Mingquan MP3

            万水千山总是情 Love and Passion All the Way MP4

            万水千山总是情 Love and Passion All the Way MP4

            万水千山总是情 Love and Passion All the Way MP4

             (歌詞)万水千山总是情 (Lyric) Love and Passion All the Way

        我怎么哭了-林淑容 Why I Cried by Lin Shurong MP3

            (歌詞) 我怎么哭了 (Lyric) Why I Cried

        江南新夢-費玉清 New Dream of South China by Fei Yuqing MP3

            (歌詞)(江南新夢) (Lyric) New Dream of South China

        菊花臺-周傑倫 Chrysanthemun Set by Zhou Jielun MP3

            (歌詞) 菊花臺 (Lyric) Chrysanthemun Set

         青花瓷-周傑倫 "Qing Hua Ci" (Blue and White Porcelain) by Zhou Jielun MP3

青花瓷 (英文版)- 罗艺恒(新西兰)"Qing Hua Ci" (Blue and White Porcelain) in English Remix by Laurence Larson  MP4

    (歌詞) 青花瓷 (英文版) ( Lyric) "Qing Hua Ci" (Blue and White Porcelain) in English

一剪梅-費玉清 Yi Mei by Fei Yuqing MP3

  一剪梅 - 费玉清 Yi Mei by Fei Yuqing MP4

  一剪梅 Yi Mei MP4

    (歌詞) 一剪梅 (Lyric) Yi Mei

祝福-张学友 Blessing by Zhang Xueyou MP4

    (歌词)祝福 (Lyric) Blessing

 华人酒 Wine for Overseas Chinese MP3

    (歌词)华人酒 (Lyric) Wine for Overseas Chinese

 吻别-张学友 Take Me to Your Heart (Kiss Good-bye) by Zhang Xueyou Video (TV)

    (歌詞) 吻别 (Lyric) Take Me to Your Heart (Kiss Good-bye)

望春风 (Ban Choon Hong-Hokkien)(台湾) - 蔡幸娟 Longing for the Spring Breeze(Taiwan) by Cai Xingjuan MP4

    (歌词)望春风 (Ban Choon Hong-Hokkien)(台湾) (Lyric) Longing for the Spring Breeze(Taiwan)

        朋友-周华健 Friend by Zhou Huajian MP3

          (歌词)朋友 (Lyric) Friend

        兰花花-奚秀蘭 Orchid Flowers by Xi Xiulan MP3

            (歌詞) 兰花花 (Lyric) Orchid Flowers

        蘆花舟-費玉清 Aloe Boat by Fei Yuqing MP3

            (歌詞) 蘆花舟 (Lyric) Aloe Boat

        花心-周華健 Fickle in Love by Zhou Huajian Video (TV)

           (歌詞) 花心 (Lyric) Fickle in Love

        忘情水-刘德华 Love Water of Mine by Liu Dehua Video (TV)

            (歌詞) 忘情水 (Lyric) Love Water of Mine

        我的中國心-张明敏 My Chinese Heart by Zhang Mingmin MP3

            (歌詞) 我的中国心 (Lyric) My Chinese Heart

        昨夜星辰-高勝美 Stars Last Night by Gao Shengmei MP3

            (歌詞) 昨夜星辰 (Lyric) Stars Last Night

        你的柔情我永远不懂-陈琳 I Can Never Understand Your Tenderness by Chen Lin MP3

        大约在冬季-齐秦 About in Winter by Qi Qin Video online

        大约在冬季-齐秦 About in Winter by Qi Qin Video online

        大约在冬季-齐秦 About in Winter by Qi Qin Video online

        大約在冬季-齊秦 About in Winter by Qi Qin MP3

          大约在冬季-黑鸭子 About in Winte by Black Duck Group MP3

            (歌詞) 大约在冬季 (Lyric) About in Winte

風中有朵雨做的雲- 孟庭葦和杨钰莹 A Cloud in Wind Made from Rain by Meng Tingyu and Yang Yuying MP3

     风中有朵雨做的云 A Cloud in Wind Made from Rain MP4

     风中有朵雨做的云 A Cloud in Wind Made from Rain Video online

      (歌詞) 風中有朵雨做的雲 (Lyric) A Cloud in Wind Made from Rain

我的未来不是夢(现场版)-張雨生 My Future Is Not a Dream (Live Performance) by Zhang Yusheng MP3

        (歌詞) 我的未来不是夢 (Lyric) My Future Is Not a Dream

 瀟灑走一回- 蔡倖娟 Make a Journey in Nuttiness by Cai Xingjuan MP3

      瀟灑走一回-葉倩文 Make a Journey in Nuttiness by Ye Qianwen Video (TV)

       (歌詞) 瀟灑走一回 (Lyric) Make a Journey in Nuttiness

  我拿什麽奉獻給你-蘇芮 What Can I Offer to You by Su Rui MP3

        (歌詞) 我拿什麽奉獻給你 What Can I Offer to You

   365 里路-蘇芮 365 Miles Away by Su Rui MP3

            (歌詞) 365 里路-蘇芮 365 Miles Away by Su Rui

  请跟我来-孫露 Please Come On by Sun Lu Mp3

            (歌詞) 請跟我來 Please Come On

   牽手-蘇芮 Holding Your Hands by Su Rui MP3

         牵手-龚玥 Holding Your Hands by Gong Yue MP3

          (歌詞) 牽手 (Lyric) Holding Your Hands


VII. 邓丽君演唱的歌曲 Songs by Deng Lijun (Teresa Teng)

        甜蜜蜜 Sweet as Miod MP4

          甜蜜蜜 Sweet as Miod MP4

          甜蜜蜜 Sweet as Miod MP3

             (歌詞)甜蜜蜜(Lyric) Sweet as Miod

        月亮代表我的心 The Moon Represents My Heart MP4

          月亮代表我的心 The Moon Represents My Heart MP4

            (歌詞)月亮代表我的心 (Lyric) The Moon Represents My Heart

        在水一方 On the Side of Water MP3

            (歌詞) 在水一方 (Lyric) On the Side of Water

        小村之恋 Love of the Small Village MP4

            (歌词)小村之恋 (Lyric) Love of the Small Village

        阿里山的姑娘 Girls of Ali Mountain MP4

        又见炊烟 Kitchen Smoke Again   

          (歌词)又见炊烟 (Lyric) Kitchen Smoke Again

        春在嵗嵗年年 Spring All the Year Round MP4

            (歌詞) 春在岁岁年年 (Lyric) Spring All the Year Round

        水调歌头Water Melody;但愿人长久Wish a Long Life;明月几时有When Is the Moon MP4

            (歌詞) 水调歌头Water Melody;但愿人长久Wish a Long Life;明月几时有When Is the Moon   (附英文翻译With English Translations)

        古詩詞歌曲合辑 Mix of Songs of Classic Poems MP4

        路边的野花不要采 Do not Pick Wildflowers on the Roadside MP4

        几多愁 How Much Sadness MP4

            (歌詞) 几多愁 (How Much Sadness)

        美酒加咖啡 Wine plus Coffee MP4

          美酒加咖啡 Wine plus Coffee MP4

            (歌詞) 美酒加咖啡 (Lyric) Wine plus Coffee

        悄悄的告訴你 Telling You by Whispering MP4

            (歌詞) 悄悄的告诉你 Telling You by Whispering

        我只在乎你 I Only Care about You MP4

        四季歌 Song of Four Seasons MP4

            (歌詞) 四季歌 (Lyric) Song of Four Seasons

        天涯歌女 A Girl Singer in the Remote End MP4

            (歌詞) 天涯歌女 (Lyric) A Girl Singer in the Remote End

        小城故事 Story of a Small Town MP4

          小城故事 Story of a Small Town MP4

            (歌詞) 小城故事 (Lyric) Story of a Small Town

        夜来香 Cordate Telosma MP4

          夜来香 Cordate Telosma MP4

            (歌詞) 夜来香 (Lyric) Cordate Telosma

         一簾幽夢 Faint Dreams MP4

          一簾幽夢 Faint Dreams MP4

            (歌詞) 一簾幽夢 Faint Dreams

        梦醒时分 When Waking Up MP4

        恰似你的温柔 Just Like Your Tenderness MP4

        假如我是真的 Suppose I Am True MP4

        漫步人生路 Strolling Through the Road of Life MP4

        酒醉的探戈 Drunk Tango MP4

        洪湖水浪打浪 Waves of Honghu Lake  MP4

            (歌词) 洪湖水浪打浪 (Lyric) Waves of Honghu Lake


VIII. 戏剧歌曲(戏歌) Songs of Opera Syle

     女儿情 A Young Lady's Love  MP4

        (歌词) 女儿情 (Lyric) A Young Lady's Love

     梨花颂 Eulogy of Pear Flower  MP4

       梨花颂 Eulogy of Pear Flower MP3

         梨花颂 Eulogy of Pear Flower MP3

            (歌词) 梨花颂 (Lyric) Eulogy of Pear Flower

    故乡是北京-李谷一 Beijing, My Hometown by Li Guyi MP3

        (歌词) 故乡是北京 (Lyric) Beijing, My Hometown

    北京的大碗茶 China Stall Tea by Li Guyi MP3

    前门情思大碗茶-杭天琪 Love Stall Tea at Qianmen Gate by Hang Tianqi MP3

        (歌词) 前门情思大碗茶 (Lyric) Love Stall Tea at Qianmen Gate

    大宅门-胡晓晴 The Grand Mansion Gate by Hu Xiaoqing MP3

        (歌词) 大宅门 The Grand Mansion Gate

    情怨-傅希如 Wronged Love by Fu Xiru MP3

      情怨-刘欢 Wronged Love by Liu Huan MP4

         (歌词)情怨 (Lyric) Wronged Love

    天仙配-阎维文张也 Marriage with Goddess by Yan Weiwen & Zhang Ye MP3

      (歌词)天仙配 (Lyric) Marriage with Goddess


IX. 儿童歌曲 Songs for Children

    我和我的祖国 My Motherland and I MP3

        (歌词) 我和我的祖国 (Lyric) My Motherland and I

    妈妈留给我一首歌-王洁实、谢莉斯 Mom Gave Me a Song by Wang Jieshi & Xie Lisi MP3

        (歌词) 妈妈留给我一首歌 (Lyric) Mom Gave Me a Song

    外婆的澎湖湾-王洁实、谢莉斯 Grandma's Penghuwan Bay by Wang Jieshi & Xie Lisi MP4

    外婆的澎湖湾-王洁实、谢莉斯 Grandma's Penghuwan Bay by Wang Jieshi & Xie Lisi MP3

        (歌詞) 外婆的澎湖湾 (Lyric) Grandma's Penghuwan Bay

    歌声与微笑 Songs and Smile MP3

        (歌词) 歌声与微笑(附英文翻译) (Lyric) Songs and Smile (with English Translation)


X. 台湾校园歌曲 Campus Songs in Waiwan

    鄉間的小路-費玉清 Country Roads by Fei Yuqing MP3

        (歌詞) 鄉間的小路 (Lyric) Country Roads

    清晨-沈小岑 Early Morning by Shen Xiaocen MP3

        (歌词) 清晨 (Lyric) Early Morning

    童年 Childhood MP3

        (歌词) 童年 (Lyric) Childhood

    南屏晚钟-费玉清 Evening Bell Ringing at the Nanping Hill by Fei Yuqing MP4

    我踏浪而来-沈小岑 Lover on the Wave by Shen Xiaocen MP3

        (歌词) 我踏浪而来 (Lyric) Lover on the Wave

    浪迹天涯 Rove Around the World MP3

        (歌词) 浪迹天涯 (Lyric) Rove Around the World

    小雨中的回忆-王洁实、谢莉斯 Memory in the Drizzle by Wang Jieshi & Xie Lisi MP3

        (歌詞) 下雨中的回忆 (Lyric) Memory in the Drizzle

    同桌的你 My Old Classmate MP3

        (歌詞) 同桌的你 (Lyric) My Old Classmate)

    酒乾倘賣無-蘇芮 Cash for Recycled Bottles by Su Rui  MP4

        (歌詞) 酒乾倘賣無 Cash for Recycled Bottles

    兰花草-葉倩文 Orchids by Ye Qianwen MP3


XI. 其他歌手的成名歌曲 Songs Which Make Some Singers Famous

    第一组 Group I

    小虎队-爱 Love by Little Tiger Group MP4

    齐豫-橄榄树 Olive by Qi Yu MP4

    卓依婷-明天会更好 Tomorrow Will Be Better by Zhuo Yiting MP4

    周冰倩-真的好想你 Miss You So Much Indeed by Zhou Bingqian MP4

    张咪-蓝蓝的夜,蓝蓝的梦 Blue Night, Blue Dream by Zhang Mi MP4

    王菲-容易受伤的女人 Vulnerable Women by Wang Fei MP4

    陈雅森-我的快乐就是想你 My Happiness Is Missing You MP4

    朱哲琴-一个真实的故事 A True Story by Zhu Zheqin MP4

    費玉清-一剪梅 Yi Mei by Fei Yuqing (台湾 Taiwan) MP4

    苏芮-酒干倘卖无 Drinks If not Sold by Su Rui MP4

    外婆的澎湖湾-王洁实、谢莉斯 Grandma's Penghuwan Bay by Wang Jieshi & Xie Lisi MP4

    降央卓玛-走天涯 Wandering Over the World by Jamyang Dolma(西藏 Tibet) MP4

    凤凰传奇-月亮之上 Over the Moon by Legend of Phoenix (内蒙古 Inner Mongolia) MP4

    齐峰-我和草原有个约定 I Have an Appointment with Grassland (内蒙古 Inner Mongolia) MP4

    呼斯楞-鸿雁 Swan Goose by Hussein (内蒙古Inner Mongolia) MP4

    苏红-我多想唱 How I Wish to Sing by Su Hong MP4

    李玲玉-你潇洒我漂亮 You're Handsome and I'm Beautiful MP4

    SHE Super Star MP4

    许美静-阳光总在风雨后 Sunshine Always Comes After the Rain by Xu Meijing MP4

    张雨生-我的未来不是梦 My Future Is not a Dream by Zhang Yusheng (香港 Hong Kong) MP4

    齐秦-大约在冬季 About in Winter by Qi Qin MP4

    张学友-吻别 Kiss Goodbye by Zhang Xueyou MP4

    周华健-花心 Heart of Flowers by Zhou Huajian MP4

    千百惠-走过咖啡屋 Passing by a Coffee House by Chee MP4

    林忆莲-至少还有你 At Least I Have You by Sandy Lam MP4

    童安格-其实你不懂我的心 Actually You Don't Understand My Heart by Tong Ange MP4

    陈琳-爱就爱了 Just Love by Chenlin MP4

    姜育恒-再回首 Looking Back Again by Jiang Yuheng MP4

    张惠妹- 我可以抱你吗 May I Hug You by Zhang Huimei (台湾 Taiwan) MP4

    叶倩文-潇洒走一回 Take a Chic Walk by Sally Yeh MP4

    乌兰托娅-套马杆 Lasso-hourse Pole by Wulan Tuoya MP4

    赵传-我是一只小小鸟 I Am a Little, Little Bird by Zhao Chuan MP4

    罗大佑-童年 Childhoo by Luo Dayou MP4

    杨钰莹-我不想说 I Don't Want to Say by Yang Yuying MP4

    吴涤清-烟花三月  In the Misty Month of Flowers by Wu Diqing MP4

    任贤齐-心太软 Too Soft Heart by Ren Xianqi MP4

    王杰-一场游戏一场梦 One Game One Dream by Wang Jie MP4

    李宗盛-凡人之歌 Song of Commen People by Li Zongsheng MP4

    潘美辰-我想有个家 I Wish a Home by Pan Meichen MP4

    梁咏琪-短发 Short Hairs by Liang Yongqi MP4

    江珊-梦里水乡Water Village in My Dream by Jiang Shan MP4

    张行-迟到 Being Late by Zhang Xing MP4

    满文军-懂你 Understand You by Man Wenjun MP4

    李春波-小芳 Xiao Fang by Li Chunbo MP4

    老狼-同桌的你 You Are My Classmate by Old Wolf MP4

    杨臣刚-老鼠爱大米 Mice Love Rice by Yang Chengang MP4

    第二组 Group II

    高安-在心里从此有个你 I Have You in My Heart MP4

    梁静茹-勇气 Courage by Liang Jingru MP4

    龚玥-数天数 Count Days by Gong Yue MP4

    周杰伦-双截棍 Double Stick by Jay Chou (香港 Hong Kong) MP4

    谭咏麟-爱在深秋 Love in Late Autumn by Tan Yonglin (香港 Hong Kong) MP4

    阿里郎-兰花指 Orchid fingers by Ali Lang MP4

    谢津-说唱脸谱 Rap of Facial Makeup by Xie Jin MP4

    李琼-山路十八弯 Bended Mountain Path by Li Qiong MP4

    孙悦-祝你平安 I Wish You Well by Sun Yue MP4

    李琛-窗外 Outside of the Window by Li Chen MP4

    水木年华-一生有你 Have You in MY Life by Shuimu Nianhua MP4

    鹿晗-我们的明天 Our Tomorrow by Lu Han MP4

    曹越-不能忘不能爱 Never Forget Never Love by Cao Yue MP4

    魏新雨-恋人心 A Lover's Heart by Wei Xinyu MP4

    梅艳芳-女人花 Women Like Flowers by Mei Yanfang MP4

    吴亦凡-时间煮雨 Time Boils Rain by Wu Yifan MP4

    蔡依林-看我72变 Look at My 72 Changes by Jolin (香港 Hong Kong) MP4

    周迅-飘摇 Fluttering by Zhou Xun MP4

    屠洪刚-霸王别姬 Farewell to My Concubine by Tu Honggang MP4

    许茹芸-独角戏 Monodrama by Xu Ruyun MP4

    刘德华-忘情水 Emotional Water by Liu Dehua MP4

    张韶涵-隐形的翅膀 Invisible Wings by Zhang Shaohan MP4

    郭峰、陈洁仪-心会跟爱一起走  The Heart will Follow the Love by Guo Feng and Chen Jieyi MP4

    黄鹤翔-九妹 Youger Sister by Huang Hexiang MP4

    张国荣-莫妮卡 Monica by Zhang Guorong (香港 Hong Kong) MP4

     王铮亮-时间都去哪儿了 Where Has the Time Gone by Wang Zhengliang MP4

    陈雪凝-假装 Pretending MP4

    华晨宇-烟火里的尘埃 Dust in Fireworks by Hua Chenyu MP4

    陈思思-情哥去南方 My Loved Brother Will Go to the South MP4

    汪正正-超越梦想 Beyond Dreams by Wang Zhengzheng MP4

    许佳慧-预谋 Premeditated by Xu Jiahui MP4

    李茂山- 迟来的爱 The Late Love by Li Maoshan MP4

    海生 - 情一动心就痛 Feel Painful When Emotional by Hai Sheng MP4

    陈淑桦 - 梦醒时分 Time for Awakening from Dream by Chen Shuhua MP4


XII. 更多知名歌手的歌 Songs by More Well-known Singers

    1. 费玉清 Fei Yuqing

        梦驼铃 Dreaming Camel Bell MP4

        千里之外 Thousands of Miles Away MP4

        天之大 As Great AS Heaven MP4

        新鸳鸯蝴蝶梦 New Dream of Mandarin Duck and Butterfly MP4

        尘缘 Earthly Pre-destination MP4

    2. 杨钰莹 Yang Yuying

       悄悄的告诉你 Tell You Quietly MP4

       杨钰莹-我在春天等你 I Wait for You in Spring by Yang Yuying MP4

        梦醒时分 When Waking Up from Dream MP4

        风含情水含笑 Love in Wind and Smile in WaterMP4

        茶山情歌 Tea Hill Love Songs MP4

        月光下的凤尾竹 Cucurbit Flute in the Moonlight MP4

    3. 毛宁 Mao Ning

        晚秋 Late Autumn MP4

        春风吻上我的脸 Spring Wind Kisses My Face MP4

         一直很安静 Quiet All the Time MP4

        大浪淘沙 Great Waves Sweeping Away Sands MP4

         大中国 Big China MP4

        黄昏放牛 Cattling at MP4

        公元1997 1997 AD MP4

    4. 毛宁、杨钰莹 Mao Ning & and Yang Yuying

        心雨 Rain of Heart MP4

        等你在老地方 Wait at the Same Place MP4

        我是不是该安静地走开 Should I Go Away Quietly MP4

         我悄悄蒙上你的眼睛 I Cover your Eyes Quietly MP4

         慢慢地走进你 Enter Your World Slowly MP4

    5. 黑鸭子 Black Duck

        梁祝 Butterfly Love MP4

        美丽的草原我的家 Beautiful Grassland, My Home MP4

        西海情歌 Love Song in Xihai MP4

        光阴的故事 The Story of Time MP4

        思念 Missing MP4

        心经 Heart Sutra MP4

        采红菱 Pick red water chestnuts MP4

        驼铃 Camel Bells MP4

    6. 王二妮

        大红公鸡毛腿腿 Big Red Cock with Haired Legs MP4

        情哥哥 Lover Brother MP4

        交朋友 Making Friends MP4

        我从西边来 I Came from the West MP4

        桃花红 Peach Flowers Are Red MP4

        黄土高坡 Loess Plateau Hills MP4

    7. 蔡琴 Cai Qin

        恰似你的温柔 Just Like Your Tenderness MP4

    8. 崔伟立、孙艺琪 Cui Weili  and Sun Yiqi

        You Cannot Love Too Much MP4

    9. 任妙音 Ren Miaoyin

        天在下雨我在想你 It Is Raining and I Am Missing You MP4

    10. 降央卓玛 Jamyang Dolma

         天边 The End of the Earth MP4

         那一天 On That Day MP4

        卓玛 Zhuo Ma (Dolma) MP4

    11. 腾格尔 Teng Ko Erh

        天堂 Paradise MP4

        蒙古人(汉语) Mongolians (in Chinese) MP4

        蒙古人(蒙古语) Mongolians (in Mongolian Language) MP4

        父亲的草原母亲的河 Grassland of Father & River of Mother MP4

        父亲和我 Father and I MP4

    12. 谭晶 Tan Jing

          在那东山顶上 On the Top of Mountain Dongshan MP4



XIII. 《红楼梦》电视连续剧歌曲  Songs of TV Series "Red Mansion"

        红楼梦 Red Mansion MP3

        引子 Overture MP3

        葬花吟 Funeral for Flowers MP3

        聪明累 Tiring Cleverness MP3

        分骨肉 Leaving Home MP3

        红豆曲 Music for Red Beans MP3

        叹香菱 Sighing for Xiang Ling MP3

        晴雯歌 Song of Qing Wen MP3

        秋窗风雨夕 Wind and Rain in Late Autumn MP3

        题帕三绝 Three Touching Poems on the Handkerchiefs MP3

        枉凝眉 Vain Frowned Brows MP3

        引子 Overture by Zheng Xulan MP3

        紫菱洲歌 A Sentimental Peom Written in Zilingzhou MP3


XIV. 中国(轻)音乐Chinese (Light) Music

        望春风 (Ban Choon Hong-Hokkien)(台湾) Longing for the Spring Breeze(Taiwan)  MP4

        让我们荡起双桨 Let's Row the Boat (Let's Scull) MP3

        好一朵美丽的茉莉花 What a Beautiful Jasmin Flower MP3

        好一朵茉莉花 What a Jasmin Flower MP3

        梁祝 Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai MP3

        梁祝-长笛 Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai-Flute MP3

        步步高 Higher and Higher MP3

        春江花月夜 A Moonlit Night on the Spring River MP3

        春光美 - 笛子 Beautiful Spring - Flute MP3

        姑苏行 - 笛子 A Trip to Suzhou - Flute MP3

         祈祷 - 佛教音乐笛子 Pray - Buddhist Music Flute MP3

        相见时难别亦难 (笛子独奏) Hard to Meet and Harder to Part-Flute Solo MP3

        月亮之上-笛子 On the Moon-Flute MP3

        冬季到台北来看雨 Come to Watch Rain in Taibei in Winter MP3

        菩提树 - 佛教音乐 Linden - Buddhist Music MP3

         苗家舞曲 Miao Nationality Dancing Music MP3

        轻歌荡舟 Singing and Boating MP3

        雾里看花 Viewing Flowers in the Fog MP3

        乡间小路 Country Road Mp3

        小桥流水(古筝+琵琶) Bridge and Water MP3

        一廉幽梦 Dearms MP3

        一帘幽梦 Dreams Mp3

        渔舟唱晚 Evening Song by Fishermen MP3

        月光小夜曲 Comfortable Serenade in the Moonlight MP3

        在那遥远的地方 In that Remote Place MP3

        在水一方 On the Side of Water MP3

        祝你平安Wish You Well MP3

        昨夜星辰 Stars Last Night MP3

        月亮代表我的心 - 萨克斯风 The Moon Represents My Heart - Saxphone MP3

        难忘今宵 Unforgetable Tonight MP3

        朗朗:保卫黄河 - 钢琴 Defend the Yellow River by Lang Lang - Piano MP4

        李云迪:保卫黄河 - 钢琴 Defend the Yellow River by Li Yundi- Piano MP4

        朗朗:彩云追月 - 钢琴 Colorful Clouds Chase the Moon by Lang Lang - Piano MP3

        李云迪:彩云追月 - 钢琴 Colorful Clouds Chase the Moon by Li Yundi MP3

        彩云追月 Colorful Clouds MP4

        故乡的云 Clouds of the Hometown MP3

        大约在冬季 - 萨克斯风 About in Winter - Saxphoner MP3

        恰是你的温柔 It is Just Your Tenderness MP3

        万水千山总是情 Love and Passion All the Way MP3

        万水千山总是情 Love and Passion All the Way MP3

        牵手 Hand in Hand MP3

        紫竹调 Bamboo-flute Tune MP3

        暗香 Gloomy Fragrance MP3

        古筝:女儿情 Zither: A Young Lady's Love MP3

        明天会更好 Tomorrow will be Better MP3

        弯弯的月亮 Crescent Moon MP3

        弯弯的月亮(舞曲) Crescent Moon (for dancing) MP3

        梨花颂 Eulogy of Pear Flower MP3

        汾河流水哗啦啦 Water of Fenhe River is Clatter MP3

        十送红军 Sending Red Army Off MP3

        蘭花草 Orchids MP3

        Piano Piece - I Love You, China 钢琴曲 - 我爱你,中国 MP3

        Violin - I Love You, China 小提琴 - 我爱你,中国 MP3

        万水千山总是情 Love and Passion All the Way MP4


XV. 心灵的音乐 Music of Soul

        琵琶语-我和我的心在跳舞 Pipa - I Dance with My Heart MP3

        月中仙~白菊 White Chrysanthemum MP3

        爱江山更爱美人—笛子 Love Country Love Beauties-Flute MP3

        傲霜枝~悬崖菊 Ao Shuang Zhi MP3

        不见不散 Be There or Be Square MP3

        不想记得 Forget It MP3

        春水 Spring Water MP3

        春野 Spring Fields MP3

        金风玉露二色菊 Two-color Chrysanthemum MP3

        三生石上 On Sansheng Stone MP3

        三月桃花 Peach in March MP3

        云水禅心 Heart of Zen Inspired through Cloud and Water MP3

        花心 Say You Love Me MP3

        太极拳曲 Music for Taiji MP3

        极拳曲24式 Music for Taiji 24 MP3

        天上人间 Paradise in Earthly World MP3

        往事缠绵 Lingering Memories MP3

        溪行桃花源 Walking along a Creek-riverside to Peach Blossom Paradise MP3

        相知如镜 Understanding You as Understanding Myself MP3

        写给未来的无言歌 A Wordless Song to the Future MP3

        幽艳霜枝桃花菊 Peach and Chrysanthemum MP3

        在最深的红尘里重逢 Meeting Again in This Earthly MP3

        夜宴 Night Feast


XVI. 广东音乐 Guangdong (Cantonese) Folk Music

    彩云追月 Colorful Clouds Chase the Moon MP3

    雨打芭蕉 Raindrops Drummed on Banana Leaves MP3

    旱天雷 Thunders in Dry Seasons MP3

    汉宫秋月 Autumn Moon Over Han Palace MP3

    鸟投林 Birds Casting Woods MP3

    花好月圆 Blooming Flowers and Full Moon MP3

    行云流水 Floating Clouds and Flowing Water MP3

    双凤朝阳 A Pair of Phoenixes Facing the Sun MP3

    将军令 Order from General MP3

    贵妃醉酒 Drunken Concubine MP3

    念奴娇 Niannujiao MP3

    昭君怨 Sorry of Lady Zhao Jun MP3

    生日快乐 Happy Birthday MP3

    倒垂帘 Invertedly Hanging Curtain MP3

    禅院钟声 Tolling of Buddhist Temple MP3

    百尺竿头 Making Further Progress MP3

    春到田间 Spring in the Fields MP3

    小桃红 Little Tao Hong MP3

    戏水鸳鸯 Playing Mandarin Ducks MP3

    轻快音乐 Light Music MP3

    寒江月 Moon over Hanjiang River MP3

    过年 Celebrating Spring Festival MP3

    走马 Walking Horse MP3

    礁石鸣琴 Reef MP3

    孔雀开屏 Proud Peacock MP3

    柳浪闻莺 Orioles Singing in the Willows MP3

    银河会 Meeting at Milky Way MP3

    三宝佛 Phra Sompo MP3

    醒狮 Dancing Lion MP3

    玉楼人醉 Drunk at Jade Mansion MP3


XVII. 中国音乐家演奏的波兰歌曲 Polish Music Played by Chinese Musicians

    《平静的行板与华丽的大波兰舞曲》钢琴演奏:李云迪 "Quiet Andante and Gorgeous Great Polish Dance Music" Piano Performance by Li Yundi Video (TV)

    李云迪肖邦波兰舞曲第六首平调大调作品53"英雄" YUNDI LI Chopin Polonaise No.6 in A flat major Op.53 "Heroique"  MP4

    李云迪:肖邦B小调二号谐谑曲,作品31号  Li Yundi: Chopin - Scherzo No. 2 in B flat minor, Op. 31    MP4

    李云迪-肖邦前奏曲第15首《雨滴》,作品28号 YUNDI - Chopin Prelude no.15 'Raindrop', op.28  MP4

    李雲迪:蕭邦 - 第一鋼琴協奏曲第三樂章:輪旋曲 Li Yundi: Chopin - Piano Concerto No.1, op.11, 3. Rondo: Vivace  MP4

    李云迪演奏肖邦《英雄波兰舞曲》  Li Yundi Plays Chopin's "Hero"  Video

    李云迪- 肖邦波兰舞曲 英雄 Op. 53 Li Yundi-Chopin Polish Dance Hero Op. 53 Video

    欧阳娜娜的大提琴与李云迪的钢琴合奏肖邦名曲 Ouyang Nana's Cello and Li Yundi's Piano ensemble Chopin's Masterpieces Video

        欧阳娜娜的大提琴与李云迪的钢琴合奏肖邦名曲 Ouyang Nana's Cello and Li Yundi's Piano ensemble Chopin's Masterpieces  MP4

    朗朗的肖邦华尔兹一号 Chopin Waltz No 1 by Lang Lang  MP4

    肖邦:朗朗 Chopin ,Lang Lang Estudio No 3, dur Op10 Tristesse  MP4

    朗朗 蕭邦:降A大調 第六號波蘭舞曲「英雄」,作品53 Lang Lang: Polonaise No.6 in A-flat major, Op. 53 "Heroic" Frederic Chopin  MP4

    朗朗:肖邦 Chopin Polonaise in A flat Op 53 Lang Lang  MP4

    朗朗:谐谑曲2号,作品31(肖邦) Lang Lang: Scherzo No.2, Op.31 (Chopin)  MP4

    肖邦-郎朗-华尔兹 Chopin - Lang Lang - Valse Brilliante  MP4

    演出必须继续!-郎朗在倾盆大雨中演奏肖邦的《海洋》练习曲 The Show Must Go On! - Lang Lang Performs Chopin's "Ocean" Etude in Pouring Rain MP4

    郎朗在柏林爱乐乐团E大调演奏肖邦练习曲第10首第3号 Lang Lang plays Chopin Etude Op.10 No.3 in E Major at The Berlin Philharmonic  MP4

    郎朗-肖邦波兰舞曲6号,平大调作品53"英雄"大师班2016  Lang Lang - Chopin Polonaise No 6 in A flat major op 53 "Heroique" Master class 2016  MP4

    波兰舞曲:欧阳娜娜 Polish Dance Music by Nana Ou-yang

    波兰舞曲:李拉 Polish Dance Music by Li La


        微信中的歌曲 Songs in my WeChat


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        翻唱歌曲A Covered Song:《路灯下的小姑娘》--"Brother Louie"

        歌曲让我们荡起双桨Let's Sway Twin Oars

        歌曲甜蜜蜜 As Sweet as Honey

        歌曲月亮代表我的心The Moon Represents My Heart

        歌曲《可可托海的牧羊人》A Song “The Shepherds of Coco Tuohai”

        "明天会更好"这首歌又火啦The Song "Tomorrow Will Be Better" Is Popular Again

        歌曲姑娘我爱你Song "I Love You Girl"

        歌曲“同一首歌”A Song "The Same Song"

        歌曲”好一朵美丽的茉莉花“ A Song"What a Beautiful Jasmin"


        更多微信中的歌曲供参考 More Songs in my WeChat for Reference


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        歌曲"青藏高原“ A Song "Qinghai-Tibet Plateau"

        最新流行歌曲”说好不哭“ The latest pop song "Won't Cry"

        最新流行歌曲”说好不哭“ The latest pop song "Won't Cry" MP4

        歌曲"一条大河"A Song "A Wide River"

        歌曲"我和我的祖国"A Song "My Motherland and Me"

        周杰伦新歌Mojito Jay Chou Mojito

        波兰小伙演唱“成都”“Chengdu” by Polish young man

        火爆的“雪花飘飘”Popular“Xue Hua Piao Piao”

        歌曲背后的神秘故事(1)-《送别》Mysterious Stories Behind Songs(1) - "Farewell"

        • •••  歌曲背后的神秘故事3-一个真实的故事 Mysterious Stories Behind Songs 3-A True Story

        • •••  歌曲背后的神秘故事4 最后的莫西干人 Mysterious Stories Behind Songs 4 The last of the Mohicans

        • ••• "珠穆朗玛",很治愈的一首歌 "Qomolangma", a Healing Song

        • ••• 很治愈的一首歌"冬天里的一把火" A Healing Song "Sexy Music"

        • ••• 这个古装爱情仙侠连续剧,太治愈了!So Healing a Costume Love Fairy Drama Series!

        • ••• 在中国流传最广的三首"红歌" Three Most Popular "Red Songs" in China

        • •••  流传最久的爱情故事及其歌曲,猜猜看The Oldest Love Story and Its Song.Try to Guess


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