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My students and friends,

In order for us to know better the aim and arrangements of our course and come to our agreement, now is published the teaching plan of our class in semestr letni 2019 as follows, including the teaching aim of the course, the teaching materials used, and the way of test as well as mock exam. It ishoped that if you have any suggestions or questions, do contact me to in order better promote our Chinese teaching and learning.

chińska fonetyka 汉语语音



        1. 教学目的 Teaching Aim

        2. 使用的教材 Teaching Materials to be Used

        3.. 内容和安排  Tresci programowe and Schedule

        4. 考查形式 Way of Test

        5. 模拟试题 Simulation Test

I. 教学目的 Teaching Aim

        本课程的目的是帮助一年级学生提高中文口语的发音和声调,因为在与欧洲语言不同的对话中,发音和声调对理解起着关键作用。 提高中文口语的发音和声调,主要通过三个重要的途径。(经验证实:1. 朗读短文可以改善语音 2. 讲述成语可以改善语音; 3. 中国诗歌对于改善发音很有帮助;4. 学唱中文歌曲是改进发音的重要方法)

        Celem przedmiotu jest to help Rok 1 students improve their pronunciation and tone in speaking Chinese, because pronunciation and tones play key roles in understanding in dialogues which is quite different from European languages.. There are three major ways to improve the pronunciation and tone.  (Experiences have proved that 1. reading aloud essays can improve pronumciation; 2. telling idioms can improve pronunciation; 3. Chinese poems are helpful for improving pronunciation; 4. Learning to sing Chinese songs is an important way to improve pronunciation. )

        1. 学习拼音;

        1. 用正确的语音和声调进行课本(《博雅汉语》)对话练习;

        2. 朗读,包括朗读有趣的短文、经典故事、重要的成语、有名的诗词等。经验

        3. 学唱中文歌曲;

        4. 《中文听说读写》课本录音。

        1. Learn Pinyin;

        1. Practise textbook ("Boya Chinese") conversation exercises with correct pronunciation and tone;

        2. Read aloud, including reading interesting essays, classic stories, important idioms, famous poems, etc.;

        3. Learn to sing Chinese songs.

        4. Audios for Integrated Chinese.

II. 使用的教材 Teaching Materials to be Used

      1. 用于课堂的教材 Materials for Class Teaching

           1) 博雅汉语初级起步篇 上 北京大学 Boya chińskie I, (Uniwersytet Pekiński)

              博雅汉语初级起步篇 上 (音频 MP3) 北京大学 Boya chińskie I(Audio MP3), (Uniwersytet Pekiński)

          2) 朗读材料 Material for Reading Aloud

      2. 供自学参考 For Self Learning Reference

          1) 博雅汉语初级起步篇 下 北京大学 Boya chińskie II, (Uniwersytet Pekiński)

                  博雅汉语初级起步篇 下 (音频 MP3) 北京大学 Boya chińskie II(Audio MP3), (Uniwersytet Pekiński)

           2) 汉语会话301句 (上) Conversational Chinese 301 (I)

                  汉语会话301句练习答案 (上) Keys to the Exercises in Conversational Chinese 301 (I)

           3) 汉语会话301句 (下) Conversational Chinese 301 (II)

                  汉语会话301句练习答案 (下) Keys to the Exercises in Conversational Chinese 301 (II)

                汉语会话301句 (上、下部分音频) Conversational Chinese 301 (Some Audio for I and II)

      3. 自编中国传说故事和成语 Chińskie Opowieści i idiom własnym opracowywane;  

      4. 卡通汉语故事和成语 kreskówki Chińskie historie i idiomy kompilowane;  

      5. 中国歌曲 Chiński wybrane utwory;  

      6. Integrated Chinese  Level 1Part 1 Workbook Audeo 中文听说读写 Level 1Part 1 练习 录音 (You may download it on "In-class Download" column.)

      7. 诗朗诵“登鹳雀楼” "Ascending Guanque Tower" Reading Aloud

      8. 课上播放 Played in Class

          "Integrated Chinese" Audio Online (all Introductions and Lessons) 在线《中文听说读写》 音频(全部Introductions 和 Lessons)

                Audeo Online: Integrated Chinese Level-1-part-1-workbook

                Audeo Online: Integrated Chinese Level-1-part-2-workbook

                Audeo Online: Integrated Chinese Level-2-part-1-workbook

                Audeo Online: Integrated Chinese Level-2-part-2-workbook

                Audeo Online: Integrated Chinese Level-1-part-1-textbook

                Audeo Online: Integrated Chinese Level-1-part-2-textbook

                Audeo Online: Integrated Chinese Level-2-part-1-textbook

                Audeo Online: Integrated Chinese Level-2-part-2-textbook

                Integrated Chinese Lever 1 Part 2 Audio

III. 内容和安排  Tresci programowe and Schedule

      本学期我们班上语音课15周,日历如下This semester we will have Phonetics lessons for 15 weeks, as the calendar below:




  Wk. Nr.

                                                                                               内容和安排  Tresci programowe and Schedule
 1  (2.20)

1. 新学期教学计划解释 Explain the Teaching Plan for the New Semester

2. 《博雅汉语》第九课(”多少钱一瓶“),用正确语音和声调练习对话;         (P77)

      "Boya Chinese" Lesson 9 ("How Much for 1 Bottle");

3. 《博雅汉语》第十课(”你家有几口人“),用正确语音和声调练习对话;          (P83)

      "Boya Chinese" Lesson 10 ("How Many People Are There in Your Family");

  2  (2.27)

1. 复习上节课; Review the previous lesson;

2. 《博雅汉语》第十一课(”北京的冬天比较冷“),用正确语音和声调练习对话;        (P89)

      "Boya Chinese" Lesson 11 ("In Beijing It Is Rather Cold in Winter");

3. 《博雅汉语》第十二课(”你在干什么呢“),用正确语音和声调练习对话;        (P96)

      "Boya Chinese" Lesson 12 ("Co Are You Doing");

4.《中文听说读写》 音频(B,C,D部分); "Integrated Chinese" Audio(Part B), C, D);

5. 中国歌曲“溜溜的她” Chinese Song "Yo Yo Her"(歌词Lyric "溜溜的她 Yo Yo Her");复习“甜蜜蜜” Review "Sweet as Miod"       

  3   (3.6)

1. 复习检查上节课; Review the previous lesson;

2. 《博雅汉语》第十三课(”我去图书馆借书“),用正确语音和声调练习对话;     (P103)

      "Boya Chinese" Lesson 13 ("I Go to Borrow Books from the Libraty");

3. 《博雅汉语》第十四课(”我喜欢浅颜色的“),用正确语音和声调练习对话;      (P110)

      "Boya Chinese" Lesson 14 ("I Like Light Colors");

4. 中文诗《登鹳雀楼》Chinese Poem "Ascending Guanque Tower";复习 Review “床前明月光”

  4  (3.13)

1. 复习检查上节课; Review the previous lesson;

2. 练习朗读故事《狐狸和葡萄》; Learn to read aloud the story "A fox and Grapes";

3.《中文听说读写》 音频(B,C,D部分); "Integrated Chinese" Audio(Part B), C, D);

  5  (3.20)

1. 复习检查上节课; Review the previous lesson;

2. 《博雅汉语》第十五课(”明天是我朋友的生日“),用正确语音和声调练习对话;       (P116)

      "Boya Chinese" Lesson 15 ("Jutro Is My Friend's Birthday");

3. 《博雅汉语》第十六课(”周末你干什么“),用正确语音和声调练习对话;       (P122)

      "Boya Chinese" Lesson 16 ("Co Will You Do at Weekend");

4. 歌曲“同一首歌” Chinese Song "The Same Song";复习“月亮代表我的心” Review "The Moon Represents My Heart"

5. 阶段测验 1 Rugular Test 1

  6  (3.27)

1. 复习检查上节课; Review the previous lesson;

2. 练习朗读故事《狐狸和葡萄》; Learn to read aloud the story "A fox and Grapes";

3. 中文诗“春晓” Chinese Poem "A Spring Morning"

4.《中文听说读写》 音频(B,C,D部分); "Integrated Chinese"Audio(Part B), C, D);

  7  (4.3)

1. 复习检查上节课; Review the previous lesson;

2. 《博雅汉语》第十七课(”做客1“),用正确语音和声调练习对话;      (P128)

      "Boya Chinese" Lesson 17 ("Visit Friends 1");

3. 《博雅汉语》第十八课(”做客2“),用正确语音和声调练习对话;       (P135)

      "Boya Chinese" Lesson 18 ("Visit Friends 2");

4. 练习朗读故事《狐狸和葡萄》; Learn to read aloud the story "A fox and Grapes";

  8  (4.10)

1. 复习检查上节课; Review the previous lesson;

2. 练习朗读故事《狐狸和葡萄》; Learn to read aloud the story "A fox and Grapes";

3.《中文听说读写》 音频(B,C,D部分); "Integrated Chinese" Audio(Part B), C, D);

4. 中文歌曲“姑娘我爱你” Chinese Song "I Love Your, Girl“; 复习”好一朵美丽的茉莉花“ Review "What a Beautiful Jasmin Flower"

  9  (4.24)

1. 复习检查上节课; Review the previous lesson;

2. 《博雅汉语》第十九课(”现在习惯了“),用正确语音和声调练习对话;        (P142)

      "Boya Chinese" Lesson 19 ("Now I Am Used to That");

3. 《博雅汉语》第二十课(”看病人“),用正确语音和声调练习对话;       (P149)

      "Boya Chinese" Lesson 20 ("Visit a Patient");

4. 练习朗读故事《狐狸和葡萄》; Learn to read aloud the story "A fox and Grapes";

  10  (5.8)

1. 复习检查上节课; Review the previous lesson;

2. 《博雅汉语》第二十一课(”我喝了半斤白酒“),用正确语音和声调练习对话;     (P155)

      "Boya Chinese" Lesson 21 ("I've Drunk Half Jin Liquor");

3.《中文听说读写》 音频(B,C,D部分); "Integrated Chinese" Audio(Part B), C, D);

4. 中文诗“赠王伦” Chinese Poem "To Wang Lun"

5. 阶段测验 2  Regular Test 2

 11  (5.15)

1. 复习检查上节课; Review the previous lesson;

2. 《博雅汉语》第二十二课(”他感冒了“),用正确语音和声调练习对话;      (P160)

      "Boya Chinese" Lesson 22 ("He has Cought a Cold");

3. 《博雅汉语》第二十三课(”你学了多长时间汉语“),用正确语音和声调练习对话;       (P166)

      "Boya Chinese" Lesson 23 ("How Long have You been Learning Chinese");

4. 《博雅汉语》第二十四课(”你吃了早饭来找我“),用正确语音和声调练习对话;      (P172)

      "Boya Chinese" Lesson 24 ("Please Come to Me After Breakfast");

 12  (5.22)

1. 复习检查上节课; Review the previous lesson;

2. 《博雅汉语》第二十五课(”你得多锻炼了“),用正确语音和声调练习对话;       (P178)

       "Boya Chinese" Lesson 25 ("You Should Do More Physical Exercises")

3. 《博雅汉语》第二十六课 (”快考试了“), 用正确语音和声调练习对话;        (P185)

       "Boya Chinese" Lesson 26 ("Exam is Coming")

4. 《博雅汉语》第二十七课(”爸爸妈妈让我回家“,用正确语音和声调练习对话;        (P191)

      "Boya Chinese" Lesson 27 ("Father and Mother Ask Me Home")

5.《中文听说读写》 音频(B,C,D部分); "Integrated Chinese" Audio(Part B), C, D);

 13  (5.29)

1. 复习检查上节课; Review the previous lesson;

2. 《博雅汉语》第二十八课(“考得怎么样”)用正确的语音和声调练习对话;        (P197)

      "Boya Chinese" Lesson 28 ("How did You Do in the Exam")

3. 《博雅汉语》第二十九课(“我们已经买好票了”),用正确的语音和声调练习对话;       (P203)

       "Boya Chinese" Lesson 29 ("We have Booked the Tichets")

4. 中文歌曲”在希望的田野上“ Chinese Song "On the Field of Hope"; 复习”让我们荡起双桨“ Review "Let's Scull"

 14  (6.5)

1. 复习检查上节课; Review the previous lesson;

2. 《博雅汉语》第三十课(“我要参加联欢会”) 用正确的语音和声调练习对话;       (P209)

       "Boya Chinese" Lesson 30 ("I Want to Participate in the Party")

3.《中文听说读写》 音频(B,C,D部分); "Integrated Chinese" Audio(Part B), C, D);

4. 中文歌曲“半个月亮爬上来” Chinese Song "Half the Moon Is Climbing Up" 相逢是首歌 It Is a Song to Meet 复习“好一朵茉莉花” ”What a Jasmin Flower"

 15  (6.12)

1. 期末复习 General Reviewing; 语音录音 Phonetci Recordings

2. 中文诗“渭城曲” Chinese Poem "A Song in Wei Town"



1. 虽然这是语音课,我们选用《博雅汉语》课本是出于以后可能参加HSK考试的需要;

    We select "Boya Chinese" as textbook due to the possible need for passing HSK Chinese Test, thought the course is Phonetics;

2. 也许随着今后可能的需要,我们也可能适当调整我们的教学计划包括课本和进度;

    We may possibly make some proper modifications on this schedule with the probable need later.

IV. 考查形式 Way of Test

    课文对话录音和短文或者成语诗歌等录音 Make recordings of dialogue from the textbook and recordings of reading essays or idioms, poems, etc.

V. 模拟试题 Simulation Examination Paper

Chinese Paper for Phonetics

I.. 用正确的语音朗读下面的故事,并做录音(Read aloud the following story, and make recording, with the recording name “your name + “Phonetics)

        一天,一只老狐狸经过一个葡萄园。它说它一定要吃到这里的葡萄。它找到一个可以进入葡萄园的小洞。可是,这个洞口太小,它无法通过。它做出一个决定:绝食减肥。 经过三天绝食,这只老狐狸真的瘦了下来,它可以进入葡萄园了。这时,问题出现了:由于吃了太多葡萄,它又变胖了。没有办法,它只好再次绝食。回来后,它把这次经历告诉了另外两只老狐狸。其中一只说:“你胖了多少又瘦了多少,等于什么都没吃,还冒着生命的危险,当然不值。”另一只说:“虽然你担了不少风险,但你吃到了从未吃过的葡萄,当然值。”

II. 朗读下面的诗歌,并做录音(Read aloud the following poem, and make recording)

     白 日 依 山 尽,

    黄 河 入 海 流。

    欲 穷 千 里 目,

    更 上 一 层 楼。

III. 朗读下面的对话,并做录音(Read aloud the following dialog, and make recording)

A: 明天又是周末,太高兴了!

B: 看起来,你很喜欢周末。

A: 当然喜欢啦!周末可以好好儿玩儿玩儿,你不喜欢吗?

B: 我不喜欢。每个周末,我都觉得没意思。

A: 你周末都干什么呢?

B: 在宿舍里看看电视,洗洗衣服,做做作业,睡睡懒觉……

A: 这个周末你干什么?

B: 我去听音乐会。一起去,怎么样?

A: 好啊,太好了!


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