

My students and friends,

In order for us to know better the aim and arrangements of our course and come to our agreement, now is published the teaching plan of our class as follows, including the teaching aim of the course, the teaching materials used, and the way of test as well as mock exam. It ishoped that if you have any suggestions or questions, do contact me to in order better promote our Chinese teaching and learning.

汉语书写 pismo chińskie



        1. 语音课书写课评分要求 Fonetyka i Pismo Requirements for Each Grade

        2. 教学目的 Teaching Aim

        3. 使用的教材 Teaching Materials Used

        4. 考查形式 Way of Test

        5. 模拟试题 Simulation Test


I. 内容和安排  Tresci programowe and Schedule

      本学期我们班书写课的日历如下This semester we will have Phonetics lessons as the calendar below:

Grupa 1:

  10 月 11 月 12 月 1月
日期 Date  (3)  10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 9 16 23  
次 Times (0)  1 2 3 4 5 6 77 8 9 10 11 12 13 14  


Grupa 2:

  10 月 11 月 12 月 1月
日期 Date  (2)  9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 8 15 22  
次 Times (0) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14  


Grupa 3:

  10 月 11 月 12 月 1月
日期 Date  (5) 12 19 26 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 4 11 18 25
次 Times 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14



      次 times                                                                                                内容和安排  Tresci programowe and Schedule

1. 新学期教学计划解释 Explain the Teaching Plan for the New Semester

2. 汉字基本知识 About Chinese Characters

     龟龜 几幾

3. 汉字基本笔画 Strokes of Chinese Characters


1. 复习上节课; Review the previous lesson;

2. 汉字基本笔画 Strokes of Chinese Characters

3. 汉字结构 Structure of Chinese Characters


1. 复习检查上节课; Review the previous lesson;

2. 汉字结构 Structure of Chinese Characters

3. 汉字偏旁 Side Parts of Chinese Characters


1. 复习检查上节课; Review the previous lesson;

2. 汉字偏旁 Side Parts of Chinese Characters

3. 汉字笔顺 Writing Order of Chinese Characters


1. 复习检查上节课; Review the previous lesson;

2. 汉字偏旁 Side Parts of Chinese Characters

3. 汉字笔顺 Writing Order of Chinese Characters

4. 汉字部首 radicals of Chinese Characters


1. 复习检查上节课; Review the previous lesson;

2. 汉字偏旁 Side Parts of Chinese Characters

3. 汉字笔顺 Writing Order of Chinese Characters

4. 汉字部首 radicals of Chinese Characters


1. 复习检查上节课; Review the previous lesson;

2. 汉字笔顺 Writing Order of Chinese Characters

3. 汉字部首 radicals of Chinese Characters

4. 钢笔书写 Writing with Pens


1. 复习检查上节课; Review the previous lesson;

2. 汉字笔顺 Writing Order of Chinese Characters

3. 汉字部首 radicals of Chinese Characters

4. 钢笔短文书写 Essay Writing with Pens


1. 复习检查上节课; Review the previous lesson;

2. 汉字笔顺 Writing Order of Chinese Characters

3. 汉字部首 radicals of Chinese Characters

4. 钢笔短文书写 Essay Writing with Pens


1. 复习检查上节课; Review the previous lesson;

2. 汉字笔顺 Writing Order of Chinese Characters

3. 汉字部首 radicals of Chinese Characters

4. 钢笔短文书写 Essay Writing with Pens


1. 复习检查上节课; Review the previous lesson;

2. 汉字笔顺 Writing Order of Chinese Characters

3. 汉字部首 radicals of Chinese Characters

4. 钢笔短文书写 Essay Writing with Pens


1. 复习检查上节课; Review the previous lesson;

2. 汉字笔顺 Writing Order of Chinese Characters

3. 汉字部首 radicals of Chinese Characters

4. 钢笔短文书写 Essay Writing with Pens


1. 复习检查上节课; Review the previous lesson;

毛笔书写基本知识 About Brush Writing

毛笔书写 Writing with Brushes


1. 复习检查上节课; Review the previous lesson;

毛笔书写基本知识 About Brush Writing

毛笔书写 Writing with Brushes


1. 期末复习 General Reviewing;





    We may possibly make some proper modifications on this schedule with the probable need later.


I. 语音课书写课评分要求 Fonetyka i Pismo Requirements for Each Grade


II. 教学目的 Teaching Ai,

  1. Understanding that Chinese character is quite a different way of writing from European words;
  2. Understanding the stucture of Chinese characters;
  3. Learn to writing in correct Chinese way;
  4. Learn to express ideas by writing;
  5. Enlarge vocabulary by Chinese writing.


III. 使用的教材 Teaching Materials Used

       1. 用于课堂的课本 Textbooks for Class Teaching

           1. 汉字书写练习纸 Exercise Papers for Chinese Pismo

                          汉字笔顺动图 Chinese Stroke Order GIF

           2. 汉字书写练习纸下载 Exercise Papers for Chinese Pismo for Download

           4.  笔画名称 Names of the Strokes MP4

           5.  笔画书写 Writing of the Strokes MP4


           6.  写笔画汉字 Writing Strokes and Characters MP4

           7. 汉字结构 Chinese Character Structure

           8. 汉字笔画 Chinese Character Strokes

           9.  偏旁、部首、笔画 Side Component, Radical, and Strokes MP4

           10.  Ten Chinese Character Radicals MP4

           11.  二十个常见部首 20 Common Radicals MP4

           12. Chinese Character Stoke Order Exercise Paper (HSK1 Vocabulary) 汉字笔顺练习纸(HSK1级词汇)


           13. 课堂练习 Exercises in Class














                         短文硬笔书写 Essay Pen-writing

                         短文 Essay 1

                         短文 Essay 2

                         短文 Essay 3

           14. 单字毛笔书写 Characters Brush-writing

           15. 短文毛笔书写 Essay Brush-writing

           16. 毛笔书法示范 Illustration for Brush-writing MP4

      2. 供自学参考 For Self Learning Reference

            1. 笔画和汉字 Strokes and Characters MP4

            2. Structures of Chinese Characters MP4

            3. 方格纸 Writing Paper

            4. The Way to Write Beautifully 怎样写得漂亮 MP4

            5. The Way to Write Beautifully MP4

            6. 中小学生欧体楷书入门 Kai-style Calligraphy ABC for Chinese Primary and Middle School Pupils

            7. 博雅汉语初级I  北京大学 Boya chińskie I, (Uniwersytet Pekiński)

            8. Calligraphy Teaching and Learning 書法教學 MP4

            9. 常用國字標準字體筆順學習網 Online

            10. 笔顺网 Stroke Order Website Online


IV. 考查形式 Way of Test

      笔试 Paper Examination


V. 模拟试题 Simulation Test

  1. 说出下面汉字的结构名称Point out the structure names of the following Chinese Characters:

1.木 ______________________;     2.林 ______________________;
3.森 ______________________;     4.国 ______________________;
5.思 ______________________;     6.问 ______________________;
7.谢 ______________________;     8.意 ______________________;
9.日 ______________________;     10.月 ______________________;
11.中 ______________________;    12.图 ______________________;
13.明 ______________________;    14.师 ______________________;
15.馆 ______________________;    16.美 ______________________;


  1. 左中右;8.上中下;9.包围;10.包围;11.独体;


  1. 写出下面笔画的名称Write the names of the following stokes:

  1.丨 ___________________;    2. 丿 ___________________;
3. ___________________;   4. 丶 ___________________;
5.一 ___________________.   


  1. 写出下面偏旁的名称并写出两个例字Write the name of each of the following structural parts of Chinese characters and then give two example characters:




























































III. 写根据例子标出下面汉字的笔划顺序Mark the stroke order of the following Chinese characters according to the examples (10 pt)

例如for examples:

你 早 我 起 师
他 明 张 圆 火