

My students and friends,

In order for us to know better the aim and arrangements of our course and come to our agreement, now is published the teaching plan of our class as follows, including the teaching aim of the course, the teaching materials used, and the way of test as well as mock exam. It ishoped that if you have any suggestions or questions, do contact me to in order better promote our Chinese teaching and learning.

chińska konwersacje 汉语会话



        1. 教学目的 Teaching Aim

        2. 使用的教材 Teaching Materials Used

        3. 内容和安排  Tresci programowe and Schedule

        4. 考查形式 Way of Test

        5. 模拟试题 Simulation Test


I. 教学目的 Teaching Aim


    The purpose of teaching in this semester is to continue to develop students' skills of language communication, and to have mastery of more expression of spoken Chinese, especially the authentic native Chinese spoken language that reflects the Chinese society and Chinese people's daily life.

II. 使用的教材 Teaching Materials Used

      1. 高级汉语口语2 北京大学 zaawansowany mówiony chiński II (Uniwersytet Pekiński)

     2.  中国歌曲 Chiński wybrane utwory;  

III. 内容和安排  Tresci programowe and Schedule





       1       2       3      4          5       6        7       8            9       10       11      12       13         14      15    


      Nr.                                                                                                内容和安排  Tresci programowe and Schedule

1. 新学期教学计划解释 Explain the Teaching Plan for the New Semester

2. 《高级汉语口语2》第四课(”一定要将官司进行到底 Do Carry the Lawsuit to the End“),词语、课文对话


1. 复习检查上节课; Review the previous lesson;

2. 《高级汉语口语2》第四课(”一定要将官司进行到底 Do Carry the Lawsuit to the End“),“),练习题、讨论

3. 《高级汉语口语2》第五课(”可怜天下父母心Poor Parents All Over the World “),词语、课文对话


1. 复习检查上节课; Review the previous lesson;

2. 《高级汉语口语2》第五课(”可怜天下父母心 Poor Parents All Over the World“),练习题、讨论


1. 复习检查上节课; Review the previous lesson;

2. 《高级汉语口语2》第六课(”钱该怎么花? How Should Money Be Used?“),词语、课文对话


1. 复习检查上节课; Review the previous lesson;

2. 《高级汉语口语2》第六课(”钱该怎么花? How Should Money Be Used?“),练习题、讨论

3. 《高级汉语口语2》第七课(”婚姻就像一双鞋 Marriage Is Just like a Pair of Shoes“),词语、课文对话


1. 复习检查上节课; Review the previous lesson;

2. 《高级汉语口语2》第七课(”婚姻就像一双鞋 Marriage Is Just like a Pair of Shoes“),练习题、讨论


1. 复习检查上节课; Review the previous lesson;

2. 《高级汉语口语2》第八课(”让世界充满爱 Let the World Full of Love“),词语、课文对话

3. 歌曲“同一首歌” Chinese Song "The Same Song";


1. 复习检查上节课; Review the previous lesson;

《高级汉语口语2》第八课(”让世界充满爱 Let the World Full of Love“),练习题、讨论

. 阶段小测验 2  Regular Quiz


1. 复习检查上节课; Review the previous lesson;

2. 《高级汉语口语2》第九课(”有什么别有病Whatever You May Have, But Never Have Diseases“),词语、课文对话


1. 复习检查上节课; Review the previous lesson;

2. 《高级汉语口语2》第九课(”有什么别有病 Whatever You May Have, But Never Have Diseases“),练习题、讨论

3. 《高级汉语口语2》第十课(”女为悦己者容?Women Dress Up for People Who Love them?“),词语、课文对话


1. 复习检查上节课; Review the previous lesson;

2. 《高级汉语口语2》第十课(”女为悦己者容?Women Dress Up for People Who Love them? “),练习题、讨论

3. 《高级汉语口语2》第十一课(”广告是多还是少?“Do We Have More Advertisement, or Less?),词语、课文对话


1. 复习检查上节课; Review the previous lesson;

2. 高级汉语口语2》第十一课(”广告是多还是少? Do We Have More Advertisement, or Less?“),练习题、讨论

3. 高级汉语口语2》第十二课(”献一点爱心给动物朋友 Give Some Love to Our Animal Friends“),词语、课文对话


1. 复习检查上节课; Review the previous lesson;

2. 高级汉语口语2》第十二课(”献一点爱心给动物朋友 Give Some Love to Our Animal Friends“),练习题、讨论


1. 复习检查上节课; Review the previous lesson;

2. 话题讨论 Topic Discussion

3. 中文歌曲”在希望的田野上“ Chinese Song "On the Field of Hope",复习歌曲”好一朵美丽的茉莉花“、”甜蜜蜜“、|月亮代表我的心”、"让我们荡起双桨“......

 15 期末复习 General Reviewing;


1. 由于我们是高年级,所以这里没有英语翻译,如果有不清楚的地方,可以联系老师;

2. 也许随着今后可能的需要,我们也可能适当调整我们的教学计划包括课本和进度;

     We may possibly make some proper modifications on this schedule with the probable need later.

IV. 考查形式 Way of Test

    口语形式,按照要求口头回答问题或者讲述。 Answer questions or give accounts according to the request in spoken Chinese.

V. 模拟试题 Simulation Test

  1. 讲成语故事:
  2. 将从下面两个成语中选一个:

    塞翁失马;  愚公移山;  
2. 将从下面的成语中选一个:
刻舟求剑;  按图索骥;  画蛇添足;  杯弓蛇影;  叶公好龙;    

  1. 造句:(《高级汉语口语》第一课--第三课)


  1. 看花了眼    2. 三思而后行    3. 得了吧    4. 别提了   5.怪不得  6. 。。。之所以。。。,是因为  7. 就我所知    8. 多则。。。,少则。。。    9.
  1. 解释:(《高级汉语口语》第一课--第三课)


  1. 一分价钱一分货
  2. 一口价
  3. 情有独钟
  4. 大款
  5. 轻而易举
  6. 婆婆妈妈
  7. 纸上谈兵
  8. 说走嘴
  9. 一锅粥
  10. 太阳从西边出来了
  11. 公说公有理婆说婆有理
  12. 宽宽心
  13. 三思而后行
  14. 。。。图的是。。。
  1. 叙述


  1. 你准备应聘去一家合资公司工作。在招聘单位,你介绍一下你自己,包括姓名、简历、对这个公司的看法、为什么喜欢这个公司的工作;
  2. 谈谈你对买名牌、高档或中档、低档的想法。