Videos for Fun 娱乐视频

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Videos I 视频1

Shepherd Song 牧羊曲

Chorus "The Moon Represents My Heart" 合唱“月亮代表我的心”

Children's Chorus - Flying Insects 童声合唱-虫儿飞

Lullaby 摇篮曲

Lullaby to Mother 献给妈妈的摇篮曲

Brahms Lullaby 勃拉姆斯摇篮曲

Children's Chorus 童声合唱

Doris Day

Skating Waltz by André Léon Marie Nicolas Rieu (Holand) and His Johann Strauss Orchestra 溜冰圆舞曲-安德烈.瑞欧(荷兰)和他的约翰.施特劳斯管弦乐团

Skating Waltz 溜冰圆舞曲

John. Strauss: Blue Danube Waltz 约翰.施特劳斯:蓝色多瑙河圆舞曲

Blow Drainage 吹排箫

Auld lang syn 友谊地久天长

Musicians 音乐家

O sole mio Di Capua by Luciano Pavarotti (Napolis Folk Song) 我的太阳 -帕瓦罗蒂(拿玻里民歌)

"Nocturne" by Secret Garden Band 神秘园乐队:"夜曲"

Secret Garden 神秘园

Longing for the Spring Breeze(Taiwan)(Saxophone) 望春风 (Ban Choon Hong-Hokkien)(台湾)(萨克斯)

(Saxophone) Going Home (萨克斯)回家

Time to Say Good-bye by Salad Brightman 告别时刻-莎拉.布莱曼

Time To Say Goodbye 告别的时刻

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! 圣诞新年快乐!

10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord) 一万个赞美主的理由

Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata" Chapter 1 by French Pianist Richard. Clayderman 法国钢琴家理查德.克莱德曼演奏贝多芬的“月光奏鸣曲”第一乐章

"Thunder and Lightning Polk" by Johann Strauss II 约翰.施特劳斯:“电闪雷鸣波尔卡”

My Motherland by BBC 我的祖国

Tchaikovsky: "Swan Lake" - Black Swan 柴可夫斯基:“天鹅湖” -黑天鹅

Auld Lang Syne 友谊地久天长

Memory 回忆

"Four Seasons - Spring" by Italian Composer Antonio Vivaldi 意大利作曲家安东尼奥.维瓦尔:“四季-春”

German "Pilot March" 德国“飞行员进行曲” - 安德烈.里约和约翰.施特劳斯

"Flight of the Bumblebee" from Russian Composer Korsakov's Opera by David Greet 大卫.格瑞特:俄罗斯作曲家尼古拉.里姆斯基.科萨科夫歌剧中的“野蜂飞舞”

"Sports Field Waltz" by German James Rust Orchestra 德国詹姆斯.拉斯特乐团“运动场华尔兹”

"Ave Maria Caccini /Mercurio" by Itylian Blind Singer Andrea Bocelli 意大利盲人歌唱家安德烈.波切利“万福玛丽娅”

John Strauss Jr.'s "Tapping Fast Polka" Conducted by Latvia Musician Mariss Ivars Georgs Jansons 拉脱维亚音乐家杨松斯指挥:约翰.小施特劳斯"踢踏快速波尔卡"

Yanni's "Theory of Everything" by Leslie Mills and Other Four 莱斯莉.米尔斯等四人:雅尼“世事公理”

"I've Heard the Rhythm" by Andre Rio 安德烈.里约:“我听到了节奏”

"Hotel California" by Glenn Frey from Eagles Band 老鹰乐队格林.弗雷:”加州旅馆“

Yanni's "If I Could Tell You" 雅尼:”如果我能告诉你“

"Alone" by Celine Dion 席琳.迪翁:”孤独“

Irish Enya's "Storms in Africa" 爱尔兰恩雅:”

Greek Yanni's "Standing in Mother" 希腊雅尼:”岿然屹立“

"Strangers in Paradise" from Russian Composer Borodin's Opera by Sarah Brightman 莎拉.布莱曼:俄罗斯作曲家鲍罗丁歌剧中的”天堂里的陌生人“

"A Song Echoes in My Heart" Chopin's Works by Andre Rio 安德烈.里约:肖邦降E大调作品10之三的“我的心中响起一支歌”

Cello and Organ 大提琴和风琴

Old Comrades 老友进行曲

Beat It by Deng Lijun 邓丽君 (Theresa Teng)

Row Music: The Lonely Shepherd (or Der einsame Hirte) by Leo Rojas 排箫曲: 孤独的牧羊人-利奥.罗哈斯演奏

Ballet Swan 芭蕾舞天鹅


Videos II 视频2

气候与生态 Climate and Ecology Online

    (点击鸟,这只鸟就会唱歌。Click the bird and the bird will sing songs.)

The Polish-LIthuanian Union 1385-1795 波兰立陶宛联盟

Conversation of Great Nature 保护大自然

What a Wonderful World 多么美好的世界

Walt Disney: Three Little Pigs 迪斯尼:三个小猪

Panda 熊猫

La scuola di Atene 雅典学院

A Mouse a Cat and Father 老鼠小猫和爸爸

Biblia Story Show 圣经故事真人表演

Bible Story Show 圣经故事表演

Overlord of the Earth 地球霸主

Playing Panda 熊猫玩耍

Peking Opera Cartoon "White Snake Legent" 京剧动漫“白蛇传”


Videos III 视频3


Bionic Person 仿生人

Bruce Lee 李小龙

Christmas-Love 圣诞-爱

A Touching Story 一个感人的故事

Cambodian boy 柬埔寨男孩

The Last Knit 最后的编织

Valuable Horses 名贵马


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